Last year when Adam and I were down in Utah, we took an opportunity to go thru the Draper Temple before it was dedicated. In my lifetime, that was only the second temple open house that I have had the priviledge to see. Well, at the age of four and a half, Adam has now been to two temple open houses. The church has built a beautiful new temple up in Langely, British Columbia, which is about a two hour drive from our home, so we decided to take a trip up to Canada to go thru the temple. What a special trip it was. The temple is in a beautiful location! As we drove around the corner and saw the temple laid out before us, both Scott and I commented on the feelings of the spirit which we enjoyed.
We joined a tour group and watched a short video about the history of the church in the Vancouver area, and the building of the temple. As part of the video, they've interviewed several of the General Authorities. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland talks about the sealing blessings of the temple and about how he can't talk about all the glory of heaven without seeing his wife and children with him there. What a true statement that is! As we walked thru the temple and into the beautiful celestial room, I was overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude that I am sealed to my husband and our children are sealed to us. It was very special to stand in that room of the temple - all four of us together!
I feel incredibly blessed to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What a great reminder of the blessings that membership provides!!
Wow! How cool! What good parents you are to take your children to the temple. That is awesome!
I to am grateful for the sealing power of the priesthood. With my children all living so very far away and not being able to enjoy my grandchildren as I would like; I feel very blessed to be sealed to them all.
That's great. Adam's a lucky guy. He's been to twice as many open houses as me!
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