Scott's been fighting a nasty kidney stone. It started right before we went on our anniversary trip. He went to the doctor who confirmed it was a kidney stone and gave him some pain meds and a little strainer to pee in too. Since then, he's had times when he's felt perfectly fine, and times when he's been in so much pain he's started throwing up. He was finally able to go in to see a Urologist this past Monday. She was quite impressed that he had endured the agony of the monster kidney stone moving down his urinary tract. It ended up being quite a large stone, and it was stuck right at the opening of his bladder. The doctor scheduled outpatient surgery for the next afternoon!
Thankfully, everything went well with the surgery. The doctor was able to find the stone quickly, and it broke up very easily with the laser. She was even able to collect parts of it so it can be analyzed to find out what it's made up of. Then Scott can change his diet accordingly, and hopefully not have to go through soemthing like this again! Scott is recovering nicely.
Unfortunately, we didn't get to keep the stone. We just have this beautiful picture to remember the epsiode. I am grateful that Scott is finally on the mend! We certainly don't need us both going thru labor at the same time! He's got 8 weeks to recover before it's my turn!!
Yikes! I guess the positive is that Adam won't swallow any rocks, since he has seen the effects!
I'm sure Scott will have extra empathy for you now when it is your turn.
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